Scoil Mhuire na mBráithre – C.B.S. Primary Tralee
Newsletter – Nuachtlitir
January 2024/ Eanair 2024
Dear Parents
This year promises to be both busy and equally exciting and we hope that 2024 will bring you lots of good health and happiness. Our 2nd and 6th classes are beginning preparations for First Confession, First Holy Communion and for Confirmation which take place on the dates below. Catholic Schools week will also begin on Sunday 21st January, thereby also assisting with such Sacramental preparations. We will also be hosting a Grandparent’s Day over the coming weeks (Tuesday February 13th), which I will update the school community about closer to the time. Thanks to all school community members for their ongoing cooperation and support. It is greatly appreciated.
Brendan Smith
Enrolments for 2024 !! Páistí Nua do 2024
If you have a child coming to us in September 2024, please make sure that we have an application form for your child. Likewise, if your friends / neighbours / cousins are sending their child to this school in September 2024 please remind them to get a form from the secretary. All those who have applied for a place for this September will be contacted in February to confirm their child’s place.
School Hours of Opening – Am oscailte
As we enter the second half of the school year, we would just like to remind everybody of our official hours of opening. Supervision of children cannot be guaranteed until the following times:
School gates open to receive pupils from 8.30 a.m. and bell rings at 8:45 a.m.
Classes take place from 9.05 a.m. – 2.30 p.m. (1.30 p.m. for infants)
All pupils should be in their seats by 9.00 a.m.
School Attendance
Since September, we have been promoting good attendance among the children. We have had a number of raffles for the children who attend for a full week – this has generated excitement among the children, and we will continue with this initiative over the next few months.
For obvious reasons, having children in school each day, on time and for the full day is something that we all should aim for. I am well aware that there are many, many parents whose children have a great attendance record and are always here on time and for the full day, However, at the start of a new year, this is a habit that we will encourage everyone to adopt and co-operation from parents is gratefully appreciated.
Data Protection / Parent Details and consent /pupil Information
We are updating the children’s files at present. If you have changed your address / contact details / phone number, please let the school secretary know.
Our school uniform has many benefits – it is designed to make life easier for parents/guardians in the morning and to bring a sense of belonging to all of the children in our school. As our school uniform/tracksuit and crest are proud traditions of the school, I really appreciate your assistance in ensuring that your child comes to school in either the full school uniform, or tracksuit on PE days. Also, if your child has outgrown his / her school jumper or tracksuit and you don’t need it for a younger brother or sister, we would be delighted if you could send it in to the secretary’s office.
Traffic – Tráchta
As you can imagine, safely dismissing everybody at home time is a challenge. To help us to ensure the children’s safety, I would be grateful to all our parents if you would keep the safety of our children foremost in your mind when driving and please avoid parking near the school gates. We want to especially thank our school caretaker Jerome for his assistance in getting the children across the road safely, at both the morning and after school times. Please avail of his assistance when crossing the road.
Healthy Eating- Healthy Bodies = Healthy Minds!
We ask for your cooperation with our school approach to Healthy Eating. We are very keen to promote a healthy lifestyle in the CBS, something that will help the children to make healthy choices as they grow up. We are all delighted with our school kitchen and the fabulous school lunches, packed with healthy food, that are provided every day. CBS Primary Tralee provides all children with healthy nutritious snacks and freshly cooked hot lunches. The Food Portal App is very easy to use and the children have been encouraged to make sure ‘Food is ordered on Fridays’ for the following week. If you have any difficulties in relation to our school lunches, please get in touch – if we can’t sort it ourselves then we will get in touch with the staff in the kitchen. Children are regularly spoken to in relation to healthy food choices – we ask you to send water in as their drink and to leave any ‘treats’ (chocolate, crisps, biscuits etc) for home.
If you are sending in lunches or additional food, please check the Healthy Eating Policy which is in your child’s diary (just after School Rules). This outlines what a healthy lunch should include and food that should not be included.
Unacceptable food may not be eaten in school and must be taken home.
Sending birthday cakes and treat bags into classes for distribution is not permitted.
In December, the school applied for, and were successfully granted a €10,000 STEM grant. STEM is an umbrella term for the subjects of Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths. This money will empower our school to provide high quality STEM education for all our students. Exciting times ahead!
Student Council
Also, our student council have been busy the last few weeks “buddying” up with the younger children on the yard and helping them to play with the giant yard games we have available in the school- Jenga, Connect 4, Cornhole etc. They are teaching the children the rules, the importance of turn taking and encouraging the younger children to socialise. Our student council are learning to be leaders and to model good and responsible behaviour.
An Appeal
A truck with humanitarian aid will be leaving Kerry on 31st January to help the children in orphanages due to the war in Ukraine. The school is collecting any hygiene products e.g. shampoo, soap, toothpaste, toothbrush, wipes etc that you would be willing to donate. We would be grateful for any help in this matter. Thank you!
Our busy PE schedule continues. We are lucky to have Tralee Boxing Club back with us to work with 5th class this month every Tuesday. Our 2nd and 5th classes will have hip hop dance on Mondays, so make sure to wear your tracksuit on PE days please.
3rd class and 5th class will start swim lessons in March. We are very lucky that we do not have to pay an additional cost for buses to the Sports Complex , so our swim classes can be offered at a very good rate. Swimming is a great life skill. It is part of our PE curriculum and we look forward to all children in these classes participating fully. It may be a good idea to visit the Sports Complex for a leisure swim before lessons start, just so that your child becomes familiar with the place, if they have never been or have not been there for a long time.
Opportunities for all children
Local GAA Clubs in the town will start their coaching season for gaelic Football and Hurling for underage groups soon. Most of these are indoors for the first few months, to avoid cold, rainy mornings. It is a great way to get to meet other children and parents and enable your child take part in our national sports. Consider joining. If you are unsure, and need more information, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.
Dates to Remember – Dátaí le Meabhrú
Bank Holiday: Monday 5th February-School Closed
Grandparent’s Day: Tuesday 13th February (11:15 in the school hall)
Mid Term Break: Thursday 15th and Friday 16th February- School Closed
Confirmation Date: Friday 1st March at 11am in St. John’s Church
First Holy Communion: Saturday 11th May at 10.30 a.m.in St. John’s Church