Scoil Mhuire na mBráithre – C.B.S. Primary Tralee
An Edmund Rice School
Newsletter – Nuachtlitir
Dear Parents,
It’s December already – can you believe it!! The number of “sleeps” left to the big day is getting smaller and smaller. The boys and girls will be on their very best behaviour over the next few weeks because Mr. Smith could be getting a phone call from the North Pole to see if they’ve all been good!
Over the next few weeks, our school will be filled with festive decorations, our beautiful Crib will be on display and preparations for the Christmas concerts have already begun – this has always been a highlight of our school year and we look forward to seeing you all there!
Brendan Smith
New pupils for September 2025
Many thanks to all of you who have sent in your application forms for next year’s Junior Infants. Please remember, if you / your friends / neighbours / cousins are sending a child, or children, to us next September, forms are available right now from the secretary’s office. The Board of Management will be in touch with parents in January regarding their child’s place for next September.
November – a month for remembering
Each year we come together in our school, in our own special way, one day in November to remember those who are no longer with us. The idea is to help us to keep these people alive in our thoughts and to help us to be able to smile as we remember them. This year our special day took place on Wednesday 27th November. We lit candles, listened to a story and took some time to remember in a special way family member’s, friends and relatives who are no longer with us.
School Attendance
Since September we have been emphasising to parents and their children the importance of being in school every day. If your child is in school every day, they have a much better chance of reaching their potential.
As part of our school campaign to reward children for good attendance, each child is entered in a raffle for prizes when they complete a full week in school. If they have 4 full weeks attendance, they will have 4 tickets in the raffle. We have already had a raffle for September and October and the children were very happy with their prizes. The November raffle will take place very soon.
We ask that you, the Parents, work with us on promoting good attendance with your child at home and, by sending in notes when children are absent. Thank you for your support so far this year – there is a definite improvement in attendance figures.
Split the Bucket Draw-Fundraiser
Our Parent’s Association have been extremely busy, and with the consultation of CBS Primary staff they decided on a “Split the Bucket” fundraising draw. The first draw took place on 13th November Live on Facebook from Ms. Heffernan’s classroom. The second live draw took place in Mr. Casey’s classroom on Thursday 28th November, and due to phenomenal demand, one final live draw will take place on Friday 13th December in Ms. Ryle’s room. Thank you for all your fantastic support and this has really added to the excitement amongst the whole school community.
Christmas Concert
We will have our Christmas concerts in the school hall, taking place on Tuesday 17th AND Wednesday 18th December beginning at 12.00 p.m. each day. The priority for our concert, as always, will be to give every child, where possible, in the school an opportunity to be “on stage”. All classes will perform in the concert both days. Our staff will be working very hard with the boys and girls over the next few weeks to have everything ready for a great show again this year!
Entry to the concert will cost €2 each for adults (children are free) – this money will be collected at the door on the way in and audience members can make their way to the hall via the school yard. The usual raffle will also take place – many thanks to those of you who donated prizes. So, if you need help to get into the festive spirit, come along to the concert – you will not be disappointed!!
In order to assist parents, who are getting time off work to see the concert, a rough guide to the concert timetable has been shared.
DEIS – Delivering Equality of Opportunity in Schools
Our school is very fortunate to be included in this Government-funded programme for schools. As a consequence, we have been able to provide lunches for all of the children, every day. However, due to the Christmas concerts taking place in the hall, our school kitchen staff will be providing made to order sandwiches in the last week of school leading to Christmas. Teachers will be taking orders from the children over the next while in order that every child will receive a lunch.
In the last few weeks, we have also been able to put in place music lessons for every child every Friday, basketball coaching after school and we have other various activities lined up for after Christmas.
All of these additions, and much more, help to make the children’s learning experience a very positive one here in our school. Our Priorities this year will focus on improving attendance, Literacy and Numeracy.
Callan Building!!
We were very proud to have current Minister for Education Norma Foley officially open our new building on Monday 25th November. The “Callan” building, named after the birthplace of Edmund Rice, stands as a physical reminder of what can be achieved when people come together with a shared vision. Visitors on the day included former CBS Primary Tralee principals Br. Daithi O Connell and Denis Coleman in what was a wonderful occasion for our school community. The Callan Building represents a future we can be proud of—a future where quality education will be accessible to every child. This is the ethos of Edmund Rice schools.
News from the Board!
Our Board of Management will hold its next meeting of this academic year in the next few weeks. During this meeting, our Board will view, and possibly ratify, our school RE Policy- (Religious Education). Reminder that all school policies are published on our school website (www.cbsprimarytralee.com)
Mobile Phones
You are asked to read the notice in the school journal re: mobile phones. If your child must bring a mobile phone to school, parents/guardians must write to the principal giving valid reasons for the phone to be brought to school. Otherwise please no mobile phones!
CBS Facebook Page
Again, this year Siobhan Ryle (teacher) has agreed to look after our school Facebook page. She and her helpers have been very busy since September keeping everyone up to date with lots of interesting activities that take place in our school. To ensure you don’t miss anything, I am reminded to ask you, your family and friends to “Like” our page. We hope you enjoy all our wonderful news!
Green Schools
This year were are focusing on the theme Global Citizenship, Food and Biodiversity. As part of an environmental review, our Green Team were busy this month designing a Food Habitat Map of our school and school grounds. The children really enjoyed collecting information about the food environment in CBS and demonstrated wonderful mapping skills! Keep up the good work!!
School Garden
We are in the process of re-establishing our school garden. We are seeking to make it a place which will stimulate the children’s interest in plants and nature-a place where they can be part of the entire process of planting, caring for and nurturing seeds. If any parent/guardian is in a position to help us out in any way, please do not hesitate to contact the school.
Christmas Annuals
Again, this year we have two different annuals – one published by Folens and one by Educate.ie.
Both publishers have produced 4 different annuals (Jun Sen Infants, 1st/2nd, 3rd/4th and 5th/6th) and they can be ordered from the office. Order forms have already been shared with the children.
Christmas / Winter Jumper Day
On every Friday in December, all of our school staff and children can wear their Christmas Jumpers – this will help everybody get into the festive spirit!
Christmas Carol Singing!!
Our school choir will be performing Christmas Carols and spreading Christmas cheer on Sunday 8th December in the Island of Geese from 6:15-7pm. Please feel free to attend and join in!!
Oh! You Better Watch Out
Every Year, our Parents’ Council work very hard to organise a visit from a person who is very busy this time of year. Last year he made a special visit to our school. We never know until the last minute whether he can make it or not. Fingers crossed everybody!
Letters to Santa
Our Infant classes are very busy getting their special CBS letters to Santa. In years gone by, the boys and girls have posted their letters in the Post Office. The older boys and girls usually act as Buddies on the day. The teachers will be in touch to give you more details in the next few days. As always, a huge word of thanks goes to our very friendly postman Dave Scanlon who will make sure the letters are delivered to Santa on time.
Sometimes, because the girls and boys are so good, Santa even writes back!! This is also a very exciting day in our school – so … girls and boys – let’s be on our best behaviour in school and at home for the next few weeks!
Come, come, come to the Manger
We will have a beautiful crib in our school again this year. In keeping with the custom in our school, the Baby Jesus will be placed in the Manger by youngest child in the school will on the last day of school before the holidays– a short carol service will follow. In the midst of all the hype surrounding this time of year, this is a very special little moment in our school’s Christmas celebrations. If you get a chance, let your child bring you to the manger.
Dates to Remember
Christmas Concert: Tuesday 17th and Wednesday 18th December starting at 12:00
Christmas Holidays: School closes on Friday 20th December at 12.00
School reopens on Tuesday 7th January at 08:45