Dear Parents
We have come to the end of what has been a very different Spring term of teaching and learning, most of which has been completed online. On behalf of the staff, I want to say a very genuine ‘Thank You’ to the parents of our pupils for all you have done to support our work, during a very difficult time for you being at home and living with all of these restrictions. I also want to sincerely thank our staff who have had to adapt to a whole new teaching and learning model and new ways to support your child – they did a super job during the months of January, February and March. The boys and girls have also been magnificent and did great work via TEAMS and worked with staff to use a number of other ways to get around some of the difficulties they faced.
Tomorrow, Friday 26th March, the term ends and we hope that this year, unlike last year, the children and staff will spend the final months of the year in school and ‘back to normality’, in the best way we can achieve normality.
Easter Eggs and Easter Hampers
Our Parents’ Council organised an Easter Egg / Easter Hamper raffle to help fund their activities in the final term – thanks to all of you who supported the raffle by sending in the €2. The raffle took place today and prizes will go home today also.
Art Competition and Photo Competition (during lockdown)
We were delighted with the response from the boys and girls to our ‘Art Competition’ and ‘Photos of Spring Competition’ when they were at home. We hope you enjoyed the videos / slide shows we put together of all of their wonderful work. Some of the pictures and photos especially caught our eye and the boys and girls who made these pictures / photos, as promised, were given a little prize today for their work. Well done to all the boys and girls who sent in pictures and photos – you brightened up our days with those beautiful pictures and photos.
Dates to Remember:
School Closes for Easter Holidays: Friday 26th March at 12.00
School reopens after Easter Holidays: Monday April 12th
Thank you again for all your support
Denis Coleman, Principal