C.B.S. Primary School, Clounalour
An Edmund Rice School
Newsletter – October 2023
Dear Parents,
I have a number of issues that I need to bring to your attention. You will be glad to know that everybody seems to have settled in really well. Our newsletters will contain many important items during the school year. They are designed to keep you informed of school events and important issues relating to you and your child.
Brendan Smith
Health and Safety
We are appealing to parents to take great care when dropping off and collecting their children. Parking at any school is a difficult exercise, especially on wet days! We ask you to be mindful of our traffic warden, Jerome, and avail of his guidance when crossing the road. In particular, can you please avoid parking in a place that interferes with the work of our traffic warden. We have also to be mindful of the residents of Oakview (across the road from us) and ask you to please be conscious of not blocking the entrance to their estate if you park there.
Please help us to make arrival and home time a safe time!
School Uniform / Tracksuit
Please, please, please make sure your child’s uniform/tracksuit has his/her name clearly labelled. We would greatly appreciate your cooperation in ensuring that your child wears his / her complete uniform on non-PE days. Remember, white polo tops should be worn on P.E. days.
Application Forms for Enrolling Younger Brothers and Sisters
If you have younger children starting school next year, please contact the secretary’s office for an application form. (closing date for next year’s Junior Infants is the 15th December 2023)
Parents’ Association A.G.M.
The annual general meeting of the Parents’ Association will take place on Wednesday 11th October at 7.00 p.m. We are looking for people to get involved for the coming year ahead. Those of you who are unable to get involved at committee level and still wish to help out should give your contact details to the school secretary and she will pass on this information to the parents’ committee.
Gaelic Football
Training has commenced for the children from 4th, 5th and 6th classes with staff members. Our emphasis will be to make sure that everybody is given the opportunity to take part and we will try to organise as many games as possible for them. Children will be informed of their particular practice day and time.
Basketball sessions have taken place since last week for children from 5th and 6th class. These sessions take place after school, so it is important to organise collection times for those children when the sessions end.
We are having a “Tie Day Friday” on Friday October the 6th. We would love all children to wear a tie on the day – preferably the most outrageous or colourful they can find! We would like all children to contribute €1 euro on the day. All proceeds will go towards Kerry Mental Health Association and assist with the cost of rolling out free and affordable Mental Health First Aid and other mental health educational activities in Kerry.
Mobile Phones
You are asked to read the notice in the school journal re: mobile phones. If your child must bring a mobile phone to school, parents/guardians must write to the principal giving valid reasons for the phone to be brought to school. Otherwise please no mobile phones!
First Holy Commmunion
We have received our First Holy Communion date-Saturday 11th May at 10:30 in St. John’s Church. Parents have been invited to an Introductory Talk on Wednesday 4th October at 7pm in St. John’s Parish Centre.
Emergency Contact Details
Please ensure that we have an up-to-date telephone number for you. This will ensure that we will be able to get you if / when we ever need to contact you in a hurry. This number should be written into your child’s school journal or please notify the school secretary if your number has changed.
Dates to remember:
Halloween Holidays:
School is closed from 30th October-3rd November
School re-opens: Monday 6th November at -8:45am
School is closed: Friday 8th December