C.B.S. Primary School, Clounalour
Newsletter May 2023
Dear Parents,
The final term in our school is always a busy one and this year is no different. I have devised a separate CBS Primary School calendar message containing a plan for the final two months of the school term in the hope that parents have advanced notice of tours, sports days, etc.
Brendan Smith
Sports Day
Our Senior Sports day will take place on Thursday 1st June. Activities the children will undertake include: Tennis, Basketball, Taekwondo, Soccer, Football, Boxing, Hurling, Traditional Races, Obstacle Courses and Fun with Inflatables.
Our Junior Sports Day-for Junior and Senior Infants takes place on Thursday 8th June. Some of the activities the junior side of the school will undertake are: Traditional and novelty races, Dance with Dance Teacher Aileen Murphy and fun on a Bouncy Castle.
These days are designed to provide participation opportunities and are sure to be fun for all! Please ensure that your child has the appropriate clothes/footwear/sun-cream/rain jacket if required for these days. Please provide your child with an extra drink on the day. A small towel and a change of socks would be handy also.
By now, many of our pupils have received letters about swimming, and some have already started and completed their swimming sessions in the Tralee Sports Complex. Please note your child’s dates / times so that we can avoid phone calls in the morning when children forget their swimming gear.
Many thanks to those parents who have volunteered to help with the younger children.
School Uniform
We would ask you to ensure your child wears his / her complete school uniform each day during this final term. School uniform consists of grey trousers / skirt, white shirt, school jumper and school tie – school tracksuit should be worn on P.E. days and other days specified by the class teacher. White polo tops should be worn under the school tracksuit top – no jerseys / coloured tops allowed. Your cooperation with this matter would be greatly appreciated.
Our School Garden
Our staff been busy preparing the ground for all the planting that will take place in our garden this term. Children will get the opportunity to plant a flower or vegetable and will take it home in June. Some classes will, over the next few weeks, look after their section of the garden – making sure to weed, water, etc. During their time in the school, each child will have experience of planting a variety of flowers /vegetables. So far, potatoes, onions, flower seeds, beet and turnip seeds have been sown.
One of the big days for many of our 6th class pupils has come and gone – Confirmation Thursday 16th March. Congrats to the boys and girls who were confirmed and well done to all the staff members who were involved in preparing the children – you did a great job!
First Communion
The children making their first Communion are busy getting ready with their teachers for Saturday May 20th at 10:30am. The Parents’ association will provide a “cup of tea” in the parish centre after the ceremony.
Edmund Rice Art unveiling
CBS Primary Tralee is a proud Edmund Rice school. To mark this, we consulted with a local artist, Mary Leen, to design artworks to display the Edmund Rice core values and beliefs in our school. Children can witness them at various locations around the school, with the intention that such core values and beliefs will be evidenced in daily school life in our school interactions. The artwork on display tells a unique story and Edmund Rice characteristics such as: bravery, caring, honesty, inclusion, friendship, and happiness are brought to life. The display was officially unveiled on 3rd May, with a few special guests in attendance, which was very good timing when you consider Edmund Rice Day is celebrated on 5th May!
Edmund Rice Congress
We are one of one 280 Edmund Rice Schools Worldwide and one of 96 in Ireland. There is an annual congress for these school where educational leaders from all around the world get a chance to share ideas, programs, and resources for the best ways to offer a quality education in the Edmund Rice tradition. This year the congress is being held in Dublin at the end of May. We in the CBS are one of 10 schools nationwide who will be hosting visitors for this congress. Next week we will welcome 6 teachers from New Zealand and Australia. During their stay, they will visit our school where they will be shown around some of the classrooms and given an opportunity to engage with our staff and pupils. We also have an itinerary of events for them to enjoy such as a night at Siamsa Tire, a trip around the lakes of Killarney, a walk along our new Greenway, a swim in Fenit and much more. We are looking forward to their visit!
School of Sanctuary:
A school of sanctuary is a school that is committed to creating a safe, welcoming, and inclusive environment that benefits everybody, especially families seeking sanctuary. It is a school that helps its students, staff, parents, and wider community to understand what it means to be a refugee and to extend a welcome to everybody regardless of their immigration status. A number of our staff, parents and students recently signed a pledge, pledging our support to earning “School of Sanctuary Status” for our school. We hope to have a plaque hanging proudly in our school in the coming months recognizing this.
School Tours
The emphasis placed on school tours in this school can be clearly linked with the “Outdoor and Adventure Activities” section of the physical education programme for primary schools.
This year our classes are heading off to local amenities such as: national parks, adventure centres and other exciting places. We hope to have reports of these tours on the school Facebook page.
Key Dates to Remember:
Communion Sat 20th May 10:30am St. John’s Church
Bank Holiday Monday 5th June-school is closed
Tuesday 27th June-school closes at 12pm.
School re-opens Thursday 31st August at 8:45am
MAY 2023 | ||||||
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday |
2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
9 | 10 | 11
Post Confirmation Talk in Parish Centre at 7p.m. |
12 | 13 | 14 |
16 | 17
18 | 19 | 20
First Holy Communion 10:30 am |
21 |
23 | 24
5th Class School Tour |
25 | 26 | 27 | 28 |
3rd Class School Tour
30 | 31 |
JUNE 2023 | ||||||
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday |
2 | 3 | 4 | ||
6 | 7
2nd Class Tour |
Junior SPORTS DAY 4th Class Tour |
9 | 10 | 11 |
13 | 14 | 15
Junior Infant Tour 6th Class Tour |
16 | 17
18 |
20 | 21
1st Class Tour Snr Infant Tour |
22 | 23
6th Class Graduation |
24 | 25 |
Closed for Summer at 12pm |
28 | 29 | 30 |